Friday 11 November 2011

111111 XD

today is so special so i am going to do something special - complete the lab report. muahahaha for me today isn't very special la, i wonder why everyone is so hyper. this week is kinda busy, computing assignment, bio assignment, bio lab report and soon chem lab report. must finish all this stuff before 1611 so that i can prepare for my final, jiayou! this monday going to watch na xie nian with my friends. they all said very nice very interesting and the theme song does remind them of lotsa memories, but i have no such feeling at all when i am listening to that song lo. perhaps i have no sweet memories to play back, hahaha, sadness! and ielts exam is soon aproaching, ish ish ish, what to do what to do leh, so regret using the time to watch drama instead of learning english. i am so worried of d speaking and writing part. i tend to speak fast when i am nervous and i seriously lack of vocab to write a good essay lor. but chuang dao qiao tou zi ran zhi, rite?! hahaha,  aza aza fighting la, everyone! 

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